Monday, November 12, 2012

A Cat looking out a window

 As you can tell I like to draw cats ;D! I drew this with my friend :). And blurred our names :P! We also made a little...Ummmm...Story..? to go with it...XD. Also, I'm sorry for not posting for AGES! I'm super busy :P. But today I think I've re-discovered drawing :).


  1. I love cats too, Mia ^.^! I have 3 kittens at my home, in Philippines! Your cat drawing with your friend really looks cute c:! You and your friend draw VERY good together btw :)! Bet the story sounds pawsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    1. Pawsome! ;)

      Actually it's a bit crazy. We were just messing around and we came up with a random story :D

    2. I love crazy stories Lol c:! ~ilovecutechihuahaus~ who's having so much fun right now that she can't log in XD
